We’ve got a bunch of new information about Blizzard’s upcoming survival MMO. Beyond the basic survival mechanics of gathering, crafting, and building, the game will have many Open World MMO features. Dungeons, Raids, PvP, Events, Points of Interest, and much much more.
13.03.2024We're happy to annouce that in 2025 we will be bringing you.. Odyssey! Pre-orders are out now!
2025: We hate to bring you this news, but we decided to scrap the project and will be using our resources to put into the latest WoW patch and battle pass. Thank you all for your support
13.03.2024I find it funny this guy is showing clips from Ark Survival Evolved while talking about a game that's being developed by blizzard. Key note, Ark Survival Evolved is NOT owned by blizzard LOL
13.03.2024After what Activision did to sm2, I am not going to play ANY Activision/Blizzard title.
13.03.2024What games are represented in the cinematics of this video?
13.03.2024I doubt it will be but it would be awesome if it was based on or in the WoW universe, would be awesome to have Dwarves and Orcs etc!
13.03.2024It’ll be a survival mini game to overwatch next year
13.03.2024This is great but I do think the “grind” in the game should be based on time people have to play it “people who work 8 hours a day and don’t have huge time to commit to a game that interests them but don’t necessarily have the time to put into a hard grind levelling and professions etc
13.03.2024This is great but I do think the “grind” in the game should be based on time people have to play it “people who work 8 hours a day and don’t have huge time to commit to a game that interests them but don’t necessarily have the time to put into a hard grind levelling and professions etc
13.03.2024Lol hope it's not locked first person because that would be boring and lame😢
13.03.2024Lol hope it's not locked first person because that would be boring and lame😢
12.03.2024Stop saying "bespoke". It doesn't mean what I think you think it means.
12.03.2024Blizzard? 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
12.03.2024Can't wait to play Blizzard's New World
12.03.2024Don't expect that much things from Blizzard…
12.03.2024blizzard hhahahah
12.03.2024Looks a bit like Red Dead Redemption 2
12.03.2024So you guys think blizzard will officially announce this new IP in November now that we know a "real" blizzcon is coming back this year?
12.03.2024why is there Ark footage?
12.03.2024God they know everyone wants a world of StarCraft. Stop making other things
07.03.2024Those two things don’t have shit to do with each other just because the game is an MMO doesn’t mean it Hass to be a live service day I mean yes, it would be a bad business model not to have some kind of continuing revenue stream from the game but that is what determines whether it’s a live Thursday i.e. some kind of continuing revenue, free subscription, model, or a cash shop selling things or mom Quarterly DLC drops that cost money something to make money off the game after the initial sale bad as what class was it as a live Thursday record literally be an MMO that never cost another dime and doesn’t make them any more money again every adult business model, but you imply that the one requires the other and it doesn’t Nor does it signify be either quite literally could be a co-op wife birthday like borderlands I heard people say borderlands is a Belong thursday bullshit. Look at that Sony oh PSN store under borderlands or quite frankly any other co-op date? I guarantee there are things in the store that generate revenue, which is the definition of a live birthday. I am continuing revenue stream.
07.03.2024Bought loads I mean literally butt loads of survival games that are in fact live service games but they’re single player most of them so majority of survival games are single player but there are also live. Serve games with continuing revenue streams in Kontan drop that cost money and don’t ask me why but some of them actually have cosmetic for sale like who are you dressing up for you’re the only one in the goddamn day Wide service doesn’t mean always on MMO bunches of players and means the game has a continuing revenue stream and requires an Internet connection so they can keep trying to push products on you like borderlands. What’s your plan multiplayer you’re not playing borderlands with anybody there’s no servers, except maybe authentication I’m not sure how that works on PC, but it still a live service game
07.03.2024But that also doesn’t make it an MMO a social call Loretta, social Dave good beans are eight people know on Elden ring is a social date people in Granger world and what you people in major old and fight with you. I think that can be up to a depot in the world with you that’s social Director may not talk what other players are coming at. You are assisting you, and it’s not an MMO.
07.03.2024Well, on that note of doubling their team five how many of those fucktard’s are going to be working on the promise DVE activities in overwatch two Donely reason I’m putting up with all the casual morons said don’t know what a heeler dogs are on a date does or even wanna GPS says, although they all wanna play at the gas I’m really just putting up with that because eventually they’re supposed to be in PVEVP contacts Because when it really comes down to it overwatch still has great gameplay just like overwatch one but it’s full of a casual Pvpers that run around the map call of duty Style doing everything they’re not supposed to be doing while ignoring their objective and I get very frustrating so would be nice if they put a promised DVE Contant in the game
07.03.2024Might give you great insight, but it clearly just proves the contract that the game is almost complete because if it is, why are they hiring multitudes of people
07.03.2024But it’s a shooter because they literally use the word shooter
07.03.2024Can’t really use procedural generation like that in an MMO or a shared world I mean OK I suppose favorite book small Sharon world if it’s a fallout 76 concept were you have multiple 24 player servers are in since it’s whatever you wanna call Mercy Julie generating when the first choir is put in an instant, but it asked me the same prayer require but in the end star more likely to perceive girl generation it off making dungeons things like that instant context, text procedurally generated each time you enter an instant
07.03.2024Yeah, it doesn’t matter which way they do it at Dillons out being replicated all over the place. Yeah it’s like God New World. I didn’t play the game but I remember watching videos where people fat that. It was rent for peed in various areas with landmarks in and landscaping dead deer move around it, it’s like Wildey they took that entire set of assets and Jeff Branch located it over here And procedural generation convent, same affect about, looked all the way back to off the underground in the division that was procedurally generated get all the belt all the building blocks and every time you enter area organize cook them but I have heard you know if your way truth do you know everything you know what to expect everywhere you know in the building blocks where is off the way to the choir more aware about off things to hide behind our Rick is just not that innovative or creative. They use it to generate the world center will be replicated things all over the world.
07.03.2024Whoever heard of raids and a for rival game that doesn’t sound like a survival game. It sounds like a fairly major RPG with survival aspect. I am I’ll revert back to fall follow 76 when it came out really survival aspect you have to worry about was eating and drinking And you had to you know make sure the fruit in the water you’re eating and drinking wasn’t for radiated and wasn’t busy but you had to cook at cat boil at that was it that’s the total survival aspect but that wasn’t that designed to be a Pvpers Sandbox arrival gate call monster Spons are not white. They are in an MMORPG. They’re not dynamic you can’t stand there and grind away. I’m on for traffic kill everything and then move on somewhere else and come back later when I respond, but this game is sounding more like in MMOARPG or a shared world RPG with survival aspects and all you gotta build a house that shelter don’t even at the builder craft or do any of that in fallout 76 you’re literally just happy to break their shoulders all over the place if you want to get out of a rat Stormer some thing, but goalie beginning wires need to worry about that I can stand in a radiation mobile bottle at you know what a water filter call radiation and it can hurt me if you don’t need me to eat or drink anymore they took that aspect right out of a day in any case this is sounding more like that concept i.e. more of all of the MMOARPG Senate survivability
07.03.2024I mean, way way back in the day like when wow came out I like wow I played it out quickly. I don’t like pizza games anymore but I liked wow I love the gameplay on overwatch. I hate the fact that the matchmaking sucks so bad and I did pull up at casual players and there’s no punishment Right doing what you’re supposed to do versus running all over the map just trying to get kills isn’t discouraged by any game mechanics, so I like the gameplay itself and all that pretty much every arrow has been on counter that that called me all the arrows are really fun to play in certain environments one other I mean, I switch characters based on what the man. Are usually play healers because I’m usually playing on the roll mode. You know because it just keeps putting you into the next match and playing a support character is the fastest, but it is so frustrating when you get three out of the five players on the other team are stellar and your team entirely his clue it, so I like the gameplay, the arrows, the graphic see when will last forever did all that satellite graphic Mosak dozen agent last forever doesn’t require a gigantic call Reed Clarkson, although overwatch two is completely Wagyu fuck shit happens on God to you that you don’t even see it in an Insta replay you’re like Jesus Christ that person shooting me for a second and a half, and I never thought at all so blizzard ghetto isn’t the end all be all damn things that are good at and things are not good at what anybody making a new MMO that’s not a fucking Craig titty anime an MMO I’m all over in I mean primarily because it was a big titty anime. MMOMMO bite will be all over it and then I’ll have to pee at videos.
06.03.2024Bright man, I would love to see a blizzard in MMOARPG I die. I welcome it to have some survival mechanics because that separates the weakling from you know how many they pull out 76. All you had to do was eat and drink you could literally drink the radiated water and eat that disease food and just ignore the disease And the radiation could be removed right Bob depot, wind, intestine mall, and then having to eat all the time was too much of a burden so now Anna survival sandbox, survival game you don’t even have to eat and drink do you literally cannot serve or die of thirst and I’m not doubting fallout 76 at the next greatest thing is come along way, but it’s still got issues. Really just a test bad for Bethesda really They handed it off to a third-party at this point. It’s kind of been put out to pasture but it’s a survival game. Richard have survival mechanics. I can leave my character standing online Matt growing nonstop for a week if they wouldn’t reboot the server at all the time, and he would not die because there’s absolutely nothing he had to do to stay alive
06.03.2024No AAA company is making anything really buy live service games unless they’re one of the companies with a long-standing single player ID that doesn’t require. I have an even those games are generally requiring to be connectivity Internet and they are pushing out updates and additional contact so they’re going to be finding ways to monetize that so I mean why service it is where it’s at nowadays I don’t know why anybody would want anything different. If you like the game why service means there will be more contacts delivered to you at some point.
06.03.2024Dad come over you talk about dungeons in raid it’s no longer Jeff Messer rival Davidson Internet is an MMORPG right I mean survival mechanics the Lone don’t make an RPG and they certainly generally our demo small survival games are single player in prayer and put Aaron Aaron, some of the games that have multiplayer contacts are played almost full Jennifer Williams coal in single player. Tell me when I have the function of wanna get on single player bathroom play all by yourself, but those games generally don’t have to kill your Chopwood you craft get O’Toole you build your shelter and there’s no still go work. There’s no RBG element in that no skills and abilities. Nothing to learn you just have the skill go ahead by me but I download it to take 40 bucks and download it down put sonic. I know it all went all way down volume up so I think it’s exclusive the PlayStation, and it’s actually not bad but if I’m barely pier survival game OK I think there’s some TV contents are you while I know there is you can read the shit out of stock with your tool and I think it from wine you can get off a weapon that shoots but it’s really just at the roof. It’s just a MMO survival game, you don’t learn the skills you learn recipes so you can make more credits and OK I guess I’m getting out of a balance of mostly RBG versus mostly survival. I would rather see RPG with survival element like to meet to eat a drink and maybe have shelterwood whether Coleman or or maybe at night depressed to be locked up in your house crafting because the big ugly to come out if you don’t wanna be outside to get all vampire game or something where you build a shelter to protect yourself from vampires at night Branchleigh you get enough girls you’re gonna go hunt them RPG over survival but survival aspects are fun to
06.03.2024Literally be stupid for them to put out a while to why divide your player paid federal supporting them on one last four and one cent pervert why divider player base even further than while clan taken that has yellow other version of I mean that’s just a bad business move
06.03.2024Mr clickbait is back calling this an "mmo" 😂
06.03.2024So no HUGE NEWS
06.03.2024Exciting news. no other company can do games like blizzard, and i am itching for a good survival/crafting game.
06.03.2024blizzard cant handle the "mmo's" they already have, faith in blizzard has been at 0 for many years
06.03.2024After experiencing the disaster that is Diablo IV I have no hope for blizzards projects going forward.
06.03.2024if its a blizzard game don't play it. you will get banned for even saying 'poopy pants' they can go to hell
05.03.2024They should make a survival mmo game based off of the Warcraft lore
05.03.2024Hey, does anyone know the name of the game being showed at 0:30, 1:14 and 3:15? Looks beautiful
05.03.2024I'm just waiting for the DUNE MMO.
05.03.2024Just dont forget the Years of Horse SHT bliazzards has pulled tho. so I'll be hype when something Hype happens
05.03.2024Dont want to be too political, but the game will simply fail for the fact that there is a short haired female warrior, a black rasta rollerblader magician, an asian chubby nerdygirl elf, an arabic male intellectual assassin, ect. Not to forget the main white straight male main villain.
Mark my words, this will turn more into a politic statement, than a game focused on people having fun.
05.03.2024Conan exiles
05.03.2024I don't want a new IP!!! I just want spin offs of Starcraft Broodwar, Diablo 2 and Warcraft 2 in different gendra (survival, battlefield).
05.03.2024a social "Survival" MMO is literal dog poop.
05.03.2024I have some bad news about this game… It's been cancelled.
05.03.2024What game is that @ minute 10:00 ? (shows character chopping a tree)