Grounded Gameplay Walkthrough Part 1. The Beginning of the story and finding the secret LAB! Grounded is a survival game that can be played either in first-person or a third-person. In the game, the protagonist is shrunk to the size of an ant and must strive to survive in a backyard. In the game, the player character needs to consume an adequate amount of food and water, or they will lose health due to starvation or dehydration respectively. The backyard is filled with various bugs and insects, including spiders, bees, dust mites, mantis and ladybugs. Different insects serve different purposes in the game. For instance, spiders were one of the game’s apex predators that will hunt down the players, ladybugs can lead players to food source, while an aphid can be cooked and consumed for food. Players can also cut down grass to collect dewdrops.

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